Quarterly Update From Town Supervisor Sue Bellor – July 2023

Welcome back to view my mid-year letter in my second year of quarterly updates for our Town of Massena’s Website! Thank you to those who watch and keep up with our website, agendas and minutes and continue to let me know if any are lacking. It is appreciated and Jason works hard to help us […]
Introducing the New Visitor Center at Eisenhower Locks

The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation’s new Visitor Center at Eisenhower Locks will embrace and celebrate the Seaway’s legacy while showcasing its rich history, significance, and potential. The Visitor Center will be an inclusive space that showcases the Seaway’s importance while providing valuable educational resources. The Visitor Center encompasses the integration of technology, […]
Quarterly Update From Town Supervisor Susan Bellor – April 2023

After a truly old-fashioned winter, weather-wise, welcome back to view my second year of quarterly updates for our Town of Massena’s Website! Thank you to those who watch and keep up with our website, agendas, and minutes and continue to let me know if any are lacking. We are working hard to keep it up […]