Introducing the New Visitor Center at Eisenhower Locks

Visitor Center Eisenhower Lock

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The Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation’s new Visitor Center at Eisenhower Locks will embrace and celebrate the Seaway’s legacy while showcasing its rich history, significance, and potential. The Visitor Center will be an inclusive space that showcases the Seaway’s importance while providing valuable educational resources. The Visitor Center encompasses the integration of technology, innovative exhibits, and community engagement, positioning it as a gateway to understanding the Seaway’s vital role in the region’s economy, history, and environment. Through strategic outreach and partnerships, the Visitor Center and Community Relations Manager, Amy Stark, aims to draw both locals and tourists to experience the Seaway’s rich history and significance.

The Great Lakes St Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation seeks to build strong relationships with local schools, colleges, businesses, and community organizations, making the Seaway a vibrant hub for the North Country in Upstate New York. The construction of the new Visitor Center at Eisenhower Locks is on track for completion towards the end of 2023, with plans to open its doors in the Spring of 2024.

If your group or organization is interested in a presentation with more detail about the Visitor Center exhibits please email Amy Stark at:

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