Quarterly Update From Town Supervisor Susan Bellor – April 2023

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After a truly old-fashioned winter, weather-wise, welcome back to view my second year of quarterly updates for our Town of Massena’s Website!

Thank you to those who watch and keep up with our website, agendas, and minutes and continue to let me know if any are lacking. We are working hard to keep it up to date. Again, I reach out to you to consider contacting me to be added to our waiting list for committees: Library, Museum, Massena Electric Dept., Planning, Zoning, Ethics, Joint Recreation, or if you would like to help with the fishing tournaments.

The East Massena Water Project to replace the waterline has plans to finish in early April; between the weather and finally upon receiving permit approval from the DOT for three specified areas.
This summer at the airport, there will be rehabilitation on one runway, with the help of being awarded a large Federal Grant. This will impact air travel in July.

Linda McQuinn secured two grants to support 5 fishing tournaments in 2023. Please put these dates on your calendar for 5 big tournaments: Big Bass Tour July 28-30, Toyota Series August 10-12, Phoenix BFL Sept. 9-10, Cashion Rods Sept. 30, and Big Bass Blowout October 7-8.

Town board members and I have continued with training and webinars through both the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) and the Association of Towns (AOT). Especially helpful have been those on Fund Balance and processes. We need to build a cash fund balance. I have received so far this year, Certificates of Completion for: “Financial Condition Analysis” and “Improving the Effectiveness of Claims Processing”. My monthly Supervisor/Mentor meetings with NYS Association of Towns’ attorneys and leaders have proved gainful for me in policies and procedures. I also wrote policies on Fund Balance, Credit Card Policy, Credit Card Usage for Travel, a Whistleblower policy, and Fixed Asset Policy. Currently, I am working on a policy for non-contract employees along with revisions to the Procurement and Investment policies, as required by Auditors and OSC.

Management of Alcoa invited me to attend an advisory board presentation on Feb. 1st. They shared videos on the different departments and their jobs along with charts and graphs on production and long-range plans. They spent some time explaining the process of certifications which follow standardization for environmental, occupational, healthy, and safety management. They also explained their focus on net zero emissions by 2050. Massena has shown to be the lowest-cost smelter in this country and globally.

The 2023 Operations and Maintenance Agreement with the New York Power Authority and has been approved by both the Authority and the Town of Massena in the amount of $211,600.

The Settlement check was received from the suit between Massena Memorial Hospital and St. Lawrence-Lewis Counties School District Employees Medical Plan, originally filed in 2017 by MMH former CEO Robert Wolleben, in the amount of $1,118,348. The town also received a final town payment of $600,000 (after payment of legal fees) from Rochester Health from the sale of MMH. The town received some overdue Compact money ($595,192.67). Deputy Supervisor Patrick Facteau is beginning a finance plan to build a future fund balance which has not existed since that sale.

The Honorable Senator Dan Stec and Assemblyman Scott Gray met with me, council member Deb Willer and Town Attorney Eric Gustafson about a variety of issues affecting our town budget; including one lingering issue of the MMH debt left to us from its sale to SL Health.

The planning board received a presentation from Air Products at their March monthly meeting about the hydrogen plant plan and processes.

Since the company of Barton & Loguidice was able to receive a grant for a possible new water district on South Racquette Road, meetings have ensued with a local committee of both town and village employees and respective liaisons.

The Massena Public Library is planning for National Library Week beginning April 23 and a special Giving Day on April 24.

The Celine G. Philibert Cultural Center and Town of Massena Museum have sent a letter announcing their Spring Fundraising Campaign; identifying the need for a storage building on their premises. They are asking for contributions by May 1st.

The town employees will be tasked again this year to complete the annual NYS Required Training; Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence Prevention.

Website manager Jason Hendricks, Deputy Town Clerk Sean Lynch, and Village Admin. Monique Chatland worked with CivicPlus to launch our new website. We hope you find it user-friendly.

The Massena Chamber of Commerce presented the final plans for voting members to decide on their merger with St. Lawrence County Chamber in 2023, with plans to open our chamber offices with personnel who will work for both county and Massena.

Serving Town of Massena for a Positive Future!

Supervisor Sue (Spadafore) Bellor

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