Quarterly Update From Town Supervisor Susan Bellor

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Happy and Healthy New Year 2023 to all and Welcome back to view my second year of quarterly updates for our Town of Massena’s Website!

First, welcome to newly elected board members Debra Willer and Francis Carvel. Please follow our organizational meeting agenda on our website and again I reach out to you to consider contacting me to be added to our waiting list for committees: Library, Museum, Massena Electric Dept., Planning, Zoning, Ethics, Joint Recreation, or if you would like to help with the fishing tournaments.

The Town Board had a busy and productive year in 2022.

The East Massena Water Project that began on April 11th to replace the waterline has plans to finish up early Spring dependent on the weather. The apron rehabilitation project at the airport was completed and next summer there will be rehabilitation on one runway, with the help of being awarded a large Federal Grant.

Linda McQuinn has secured two grants to support 5 fishing tournaments in 2023. Please put these dates on your calendar for 5 big tournaments: Big Bass Tour July 28-30, Toyota Series August 10-12, Phoenix BFL Sept. 9-10, Cashion Rods Sept. 30, and Big Bass Blowout October 7-8.
Town board members and I have continued with trainings and webinars through both the Office of the State Comptroller and the Association of Towns. This was very beneficial with our budget planning sessions, and we are thankful that all departments showed understanding in cutting back for 2023. I have gained a lot of education from my monthly Supervisor/Mentor meetings with NYS Association of Towns’ attorneys and leaders, and we will add necessary policies.

The town employees earned both NYS Required Training; Anti-Discrimination and Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence Prevention. Many employees also attended Active Shooter Training.

The Honorable Senator Dan Stec visited departments in mid-October and another visit is planned for early 2023.

Jason Hendricks added some neat improvements to our town and village website with his commitment to “Explore Massena” and the brand new website which promises to be much more user-friendly will launch on Jan. 26th .

Major anniversaries were celebrated with Alcoa, Arconic, and Massena Library. The St. Lawrence Seaway celebrated the groundbreaking of the new visitors’ center at Eisenhower Lock. I was also invited for a conversation with the new federally appointed CEO/Administrator Adam Tindall-Schlicht, and he shared his thoughts on Seaway tourism and visitors to Massena. The New York Power Authority also celebrated the groundbreaking of Smart Path Connect. The NYPA announced earlier that plans are being made for a hydrogen plant to be constructed in Massena which will bring both construction jobs and many high-paying jobs.

The Massena Chamber of Commerce hopes to merge with St. Lawrence County Chamber in 2023, with plans to open our chamber offices with personnel who will work for both county and Massena.

We recently were informed that our town will receive some overdue Compact Money and discussions will ensue on proper utilization to benefit our town residents. We still have to deal with the debt left to the town from the sale of the hospital.

Serving the Town of Massena for a Positive Future!

Supervisor Sue (Spadafore) Bellor

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